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What do our customers say

‘The advert in Your Steyning has paid for itself 10 times over and I’m still getting calls.’
Nigel, Riverside Home and Garden Maintenance.

‘I see Your Steyning in every house I visit, pinned to the notice board or open on the coffee table. The distribution is very reliable. I know it works as I know it is read!’
Mark Petty, Gas, Plumbing & Heating Services.

‘I am a resident and business owner in Steyning, I thought I would try advertising my building company in the Steyning magazine because I was already an avid reader and knew that it was very popular with the residents and I haven’t looked back! Even though the magazine has not been in print since the first lockdown, I know its website and online magazines have remained popular and well read. Melanie sends out a regular newsletter to bolster the magazine each month and I know that nowadays you have to promote your business via all forms of communication, whether that be word of mouth, on social, in print or via a E-newsletter.’
Paul Edmonds, Edulis Group.

‘I highly recommend advertising in the Steyning Magazine. I have advertised in this excellent local magazine for many years and have enjoyed much exposure and business as a result. The magazine gives just the right mix of advertising, information, and human and local interest. I cannot thank Melanie enough for her support and professionalism over the years.’
Vanessa Roebuck, GA Lomer & Son Removals & Storage 

‘Many years ago, 2007 to be exact, I was approached by Melanie to advertise in Your Steyning magazine and decided to give it a go, I was not disappointed! Some years on and still advertising, it has been a great success.’
Nigel Bishop, Steyning Double Glazing

‘I have been in business for 15 years and lived in Steyning for 12 years and for virtually all that time I have advertised in Your Steyning magazine. Having regularly analysed where my customers come from No. 1 on the list is Your Steyning. I know from conversations with customers that they regularly use the publications to find local suppliers, traders etc. and it is for this reason and the professional nature of the magazine that I advertise with you and shall continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
Alex Bell, Alex Bell Garden Design

‘Mel has created a unique sense of community within the magazine. This shines through every article, listing and advertisement, it is such a popular and useful community magazine, supporting local organisations.’
Sara Bowers, The Steyning Bookshop

‘The Steyning Magazine has eclipsed a succession of rival publications, largely due to the extensive coverage of truly local news and events covering Steyning, Bramber and Beeding. It is a magazine that the readers love to read from cover to cover and has become part of the fabric of the community. With that we get an excellent response to our advert and we are delighted that we can support a fellow local business at the same time.’
Jane and Mark Jones, Well Adjusted Health, Chiropractor
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