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Upper Beeding Parish Council News

Youth service:A Youth Club is coming .......
Although the old service ended over a year ago, the three parishes (Steyning, Upper Beeding and Bramber) are working to restart the service. It will not be the same, as the old group are no longer involved, but it Is hoped that there will be a service in the Parishes very soon.

Currently there are advertisements out for the staff who will bring this new and exciting service to the residents. There is a strong belief that the service can be back in time for the summer holidays and then into the new school year.

Dementia Friendly Village:
We have been doing some work on how we can become more Dementia Friendly and communicate Activities, Support, Events etc. that may help People Living with Dementia (PLD) and their Carers.

We have recently been in touch with Horsham District Council, our Community Wardens, Carers Support, other local Parish Councils and Steyning Health Centre PPG. The aim was to see if it was worth setting up a local WhatsApp group to help communicate to PLD and their Carers. After some consultation it would seem this currently wouldn’t help.

One reason behind this is the inability to reach out to these people, as due to data protection we are dependent on them contacting us to register. So far in trying to advertise our help and advice I have only been contacted by 2 to 3 such people.

In raising this issue at a recent Carers group, I was told that a Carer's husband doesn't want to meet other people living with Dementia, another said they wanted to keep their condition private. I do understand this and will step back considering a WhatsApp group but continue to communicate through our PC website the following useful activities / help:
 • The HUB - UB Baptist Church.
 • Community Wardens:
 • Melody for the Mind: Location Steyning Library.
 • Carers Support:
 • Love to Move:
 • West Sussex Dementia:
 • Dementia Friendly Village:

White Bridge:
The good news for the area is that WSCC are keen to replace the bridge as soon as possible and the funds for the initial investigation wors has been agreed.
2025 there should be more movement on the project with the bridge being planned out this year and construction planned for the financial year 2025/26.

Riverside Walk:
The Parish Council and the Steyning and District Community Partnership have been awarded a grant which will see the stretch of pathway from Saltings Field Pumping Station through to Dawn Crescent footpath, upgraded.

Play Areas:
The continued vandalism and graffitting of the play area and recreation grounds continues to be a concern and takes up a lot of the funds available for new and interesting play equipment. The Parish Council will be starting to save where possible and set aside funds for new equipment.

As we go to press the Parish council is delighted to announce that the skatepark will be upgraded this year. The funds have been found and the contractor selected.

The latest large plan to involve the Parish is the Small Dole Solar farm.
This will take over the Horton Landfill site, making use of the unused location and making soe impact of the climate change and the green credentials of the area.

Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan for Steyning, Bramber and Beeding:
Over the last few years, a whole range of ‘active travel’ initiatives have been suggested for the Steyning, Bramber & Beeding area to encourage people to leave their cars at home and walk and cycle more. These include introducing a 20mph zone in Steyning & Bramber, installing improved bike racks in Steyning High Street, creating zebra crossings near schools, reducing speed limits on the bypass, and upgrading the White Bridge Link across the river. So far, and for a variety of different reasons, progress has been slow. But there is no doubt that many residents would welcome a shift in this direction – particularly parents with young children who need to get safely to and from school.

Volunteers for Litter Picking:
Fancy helping to keep our villages litter free. The Bin Brigade group supported by the PC meet once a month to pick up litter from our roads and pavements. The group was started by Neil Laughton and helped by Hilary Snowdon. Get in touch with the Clerk if interested -

HDC Local Plan and objections to proposed site in Small Dole:
The local plan has highlighted some new developments in Small Dole, these have been vehemently objected to by the Parish council and the residents.

The extra 40 homes proposed need to be on sites already agreed by the Parish in the Neighbourhood Plan rather than added ones which have not been agreed by residents.

A Yank in Upper Beeding:
Have a look at this great video on YouTube, lots of interesting facts about UB.

New Road Crossings in Upper Beeding:
The new and improved road crossings on the A2037, A238 and Dacre Gdns have received some mixed response from the Community. These came about from Community Aspiration 2 of the Neighbourhood Plan produced in February 2020. For information WSCC will be carrying out Stage 3 (Safety Audit) and Stage 4 (Monitoring any incidents) before final sign off of these crossing to ensure they meet all safety requirements and to check whether any changes need to be made.

Green / Climate Change:
The parish Council has declared a climate emergency and will be supporting the climate bill. This means that where possible the Parish council will endeavour to reduce their carbon footprint where practical.

Annual Parish Meeting: 23rd May B&B Hall:
We have invited Andrew Griffiths MP and if unavailable Paul Lineham WSCC Councillor.
The Greening Steyning group will also be giving a talk as will the local police cybercrime officer.
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