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Tales of the riverbank: some good news to report on the White Bridge Link

The temporary closure of the White Bridge footbridge connecting Steyning and Upper Beeding continues, much to everyone’s frustration. But there’s some encouraging news to report. Plans to replace the bridge are now well advanced, and work is about to begin on part of the footpath route near Bramber Bridge.

The temporary closure of the White Bridge footbridge connecting Steyning and Upper Beeding continues, much to everyone’s frustration.  But there’s some encouraging news to report. Plans to replace the bridge are now well advanced, and work is about to begin on part of the footpath route near Bramber Bridge.

White Bridge Replacement:
Members of the White Bridge Link project team have had a series of constructive meetings with representatives from West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to check in on progress, and have been encouraged by the commitment being shown by the Council to get moving with a replacement bridge.

WSCC has approved the budget for the surveying and planning work needed to design the new bridge and the design work is at an advanced stage. Consultations have been had with the other key stakeholders, notably Southern Gas Networks and the Environment Agency.  This has resulted in a high-level project timeframe as follows:

• September 2024 – building work put out to tender
• Early 2025 – appointment of chosen contractor
• During 2025 – build to be undertaken

The plan is to re-route the gas main that is currently attached to the bridge, so it goes under the river. The timing of this work will be at a key factor in meeting on this target schedule. We will be having further meetings at appropriate points during the year to keep tabs on the project, so we will report back.

Saltings Way Loop:
Meanwhile, the White Bridge Link team have been working closely with Upper Beeding Parish Council to get moving with plans to upgrade the footpaths each side of Bramber Bridge. The so-called 'Saltings Way Loop' forms part of the proposed White Bridge footpath network.

Following a public consultation in February, which showed strong support for the proposals, a successful application was made to Horsham District Council for financial support via the Rural England Prosperity Fund. Added to an earlier grant from the South Downs National Park, this means that work can now begin on this segment of the riverbank path.

A tendering process has been carried out and a contractor chosen to undertake the work. A contract is currently being drawn up for signature and we are hopeful that the necessary work can be carried out during the Summer of 2024.

The White Bridge Link team would like to thank everyone involved who have helped keep things moving forward with this popular, but challenging, initiative. While the re-opening of the White Bridge is still some way off, improvements are on the way!

You can find out more about the White Bridge project at:
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