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Steyning for Trees May 2024

We are so pleased that the Steyning For Trees work, over the last five years planting wildlife corridors/hedges through our lovely town, is contributing to the Weald to Waves scheme.

Getting on for 25 now with residents support. These are now maturing and providing homes, shelter, food and pathways for so many species as well as sequestering carbon. As Isabella Tree says 'I think nature is longing to solve the planetary crisis, but we need to give it a chance to do so'. We so agree with her at SFT, and think we need to give it a helping hand as they do.

We are glad that so many of you have now added to these hedges/wildlife corridors by seeking SFT advice about planting the right sort of hedges yourselves. See www.steyningfortrees. under the title Hedges for Nature. Pointing you in the direction of planting for endangered species.

We have recently been able to help some of you with this due to the generosity of Greenwood Plants Nurseries who have yet again donated to SFT free barerooted whips which we feel are able to plant rather late in the season due to the very wet weather. Many thanks to Kevin Merritt, Greenwood Community Scheme Manager and Chris Williams, Marketing Manager.

We are so glad that the following have dealt man/womanfully with these quite large plants!:

SDS, Tom and Christine Aubrey, Ben Vick, Angela and Liam, David Mills, Celia Beresford and John Gardner, Lorna Templeton, Katie Parker, Steyning PC, Sian Fisher with her wonderful eco-therapy naturespace uk.

We are very conscious of the need to protect our greenfield open spaces within the town, so necessary for biodiversity and reducing the risk of flooding.

Spring is such a wonderful time here with so much blossom. But we mustn't forget our humbler pollinators, especially those providing early sustenance. Lesser Celandines, Dandelions, Prunus Pandora. etc. We were alarmed to hear that Swallows are reported to be arriving a lot earlier here in the UK, is there enough food for them?

SFT now has a considerable spread of trees and hedges planted by our sterling volunteers and committee who are now, not just planting trees, but helping in their maintenance. They have grown into a close team, collaborating and keeping an eye on our past work to help them to succeed. So we at SFT are working harder than ever, planning for new planting and looking after what we have already planted

We are pleased to be supporting the Steyning Festival with a number of Events. We know that you will come and support us as you have always done, particularly our talk: The Saiga Saga at Wiston House on 1st June.
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