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Digging up the past

On the 13th of June 2024, we celebrated our journey, from reception to Year 6, at the school by digging up our time capsules that we made in Year 1!

While some of us were running laps around the track, some were digging up memories from earlier years. We found one class’ time capsules. Most of us were gobsmacked after what we put in. Two pupils in our year stated that ‘It was very fun because we were finding treasure. It was hard but it was very enjoyable.’

One of the pupil’s dad’s has offered to use his metal detector to find the other capsule and discover more of our history. Our old Year 1 teachers helped us dig and it made us remember the fun times we had back then. It was such a memorable moment to experience; being reunited with our past! In the box were lots of our old toys and momentous but most importantly there were laminated sheets with questions we answered about ourselves - we can really see how much we've changed.

We want to say thank you to all teachers, staff and adults that have helped us along the way to becoming the people
who we are now.

On the 13th of June 2024, Steyning CofE Primary School year 6s were raising money for their leaver's party. Their target was to run 1330 laps around their track in weird and wacky costumes, which meant they needed to run approximately 27 laps each. Each lap represented every day that they spent in school. In total they ran 1833 laps beating their target by 503 laps. One person who made a huge effort was Arthur, who managed to do an astounding 75 laps (15 miles). He said 'It wasn't that hard and I was surprised I was not tired but I didn't focus on it as it was very fun. I was very sore and shattered the next day though.' Everyone went around the track in lots of different ways such as: cartwheeling, rolling, two legged race and even hula-hooping. 'We couldn't have done it without everyone's effort,' says Soriya Allen, a year six pupil. 

So will you help us?
Steyning Primary School Fun Run

Garden centre:
We were fortunate enough to be donated money from Old Barn Nurseries - Tate’s of Sussex to help us with our WW2 project ‘Dig for victory!’

Our cohort of 61 pupils voted for 8 children to go with teachers and support staff to the garden centre to purchase soil, plants, seeds, canes, pots etc.

We have been growing our own fruit, vegetables, herbs and salad leaves now over the last half term and have absolutely loved working in the poly-tunnel and in our wonderful outside area.

On the 3rd of June, 8 children from Steyning Primary school went to the Old Barn Garden Centre and chose some lovely plants for our garden. 'I thought the range of plants was exceptional I enjoyed looking at the huts' said two pupils who went to the garden centre.

Since coming back we have made a teepee with flowers growing up the sides. We have also made our school a greener place.
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