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Dance through the Decades

Friday 6th September - 14:00 - 16:00Vintage Years ClubThe Steyning Centre
Fletchers Croft
Please note this is a change to our previously advertised programme.

Our meeting commences at 14:00 but doors are open at 13:45.

There will be a Raffle and a Bring and Buy table.

After our brief business section we welcome Emily Holter to entertain us with her Vintage dances.

Emily has kindly stepped in with little notice and we are very grateful.

Refreshments will be served from 15:15. Entrance fee is £3 (£5 for visitors) and Annual Membership is £10 (each April).

Please always contact Bev Francis-Hills 01273 493894 or 07801 442891 before attending for the first time/returning after a long break, for transport needs or any other information.
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