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1st Steyning Guides.

Meet on Monday evenings.
Girls aged 10 - 14 years.

Contact and register.

2nd Steyning Scouts

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts sections for children 6 to 14
Call Paul Johnson: 815807


Chanctonbury Ring Woodcraft Folk


MAC Playgroup

Methodist Church, 9.45 to 11.45
For Information contact:


Girls ages 5 to 7 years.
Meet at the Methodist Church Hall, High Street Steyning BN44 3GG
Wednesday 4pm to 5pm term time only.

Contact person - Mrs Sarah Ryan for both - T 01903814197
Website and Email: Brownies -


Steyning Library - Toddler Time

Rhymetime at Steyning Library. 2.15 – 2.45 every Friday – Free fun with Rhymes, songs and musical instruments.

All babies and toddlers welcome.

Thank you.

Sussex Clubs for Young People

Sussex Clubs for Young People
delivers the youth provision for Steyning, Upper Beeding and Bramber, since Horsham Matters had to leave the youth work provision.

We continue to offer a safe and welcoming place for young people aged 9 -19, providing a variety of activities for young people to learn life skills and have fun as well as accreditations and a young leaders training scheme.

Meeting Schedule:
Venue: Steyning Cuthman Centre.
16:30 – 18:30 Young Leaders training free to those that have signed onto the young leader programme.
19:00 – 21:00 Steyning Juniors Year 7, 8 & 9 - £1.00 per session.
19:00 – 21:00 Steyning Seniors Year 10+ - £1.00 per session.

Venue: Upper Beeding Sports and Youth Hall.
15:30 – 17:30 Upper Beeding Juniors Year 5 & 6 - £1.00 per session.
18:30 – 20:30 Upper Beeding Seniors Year 7, 8 & 9 - £1.00 per session.

Jo Bell: Horsham District Team Manger. Email for more information.

Steyning young farmers club

We meet twice a month on a Thursday evening with a varied programme of indoors activities and outdoor visits, term time only.

For example this term we will be livestock judging and having a talk with the bird ringers,

You don’t need a farming back ground to join a club its open to young people aged 10-16 it is a national charity organisation it promotes a fun environment where you learn about agriculture, crafts, life skills, rural affairs and country life.

Young people join young farmers clubs for many reasons such as to meet new friends and to learn new skills.

For more information contact: 07359463070

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